Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I broke down and put my pictures on a thumb drive and hopped over to the local net-cafe. This not-having-internet thing is driving me up a wall. Anyways, here are the pictures that go with the last post:
Caution: Piggies!
Happiness is a warm pig.
Stairway to heaven or stairway from hell?
1. Okay, a little rain.
2. Hmm, a lot or rain.
3. Umm, let's find a hill.
4. Yeah, let's find a boat.
5. How well ca you tread water, ahaa haa haa.
Cat, what cat?
Actual zoom from the pervious picture.
Den-den town police marching band.
"Maid cafe" maids marching.
Yeah, Spider-man AND Ronald McDonald, you bet I'm taking a picture.
Pictures of people taking pictures.
. . .
All my worldly belongings...
...in a car...

...in a new room.

Cafe time's up. Will fix blaring spelling error/typos later.

Jaa Mata Ne.