Saturday, May 10, 2008

Safe Arrival

Just a quick post to let everyone know that after an uneventful flight I have arrived safe in Kobe.
First impressions of both city and apartment are positive. Will write more when I'm not paying by the hour in a net cafe (and when I have a REAL keyboard in front of me.)
Jaa Mata Ne.


Josiah said...

congrats on making it to kobe! can't wait to read your upcoming tales and wacky stories; they'll be great, i'm sure.

i'll be sending you the rashoumon treatment i wrote for my class. i also did an environment of the court house, but it kinda sucks.

seems wsu doesnt like to have business, by playing games with their customers, so no money for them. meaning, i'll have more time in developing work for rashoumon and other projects.

i'm sure nippon will keep ya busy.
if ya wanna do something fun, post pictures of your apartment, and i can try to recreate it in maya/3D(lol).

goodluck with teaching and takecare~!

ganbatte kudasai da you~

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you arrived safely! Things are going well in Las Vegas. Work is now done and I'm relaxing and catching up at the computer. Thanks for blogging and keeping in touch. You are loved.